Full interview Maskeliade gave to Afisha media last summer, just before openning of Maskeliade Music School.

Full interview Maskeliade gave to Afisha media last summer, just before openning of Maskeliade Music School.
Anton Maskeliade takes Red Bull Music team on a musical tour of Moscow: from the subway to an abandoned bread factory where he performed his new track «Tret». Here is the video and article.
Maskeliade continues morning sessions. Now it`s volume 2. The meaning of the sessions is to create short video clips consisted of first audio takes and loop samples recorded on the fly. Volume 1 is here.
New live video is out!
Anton Maskeliade performed “The Car Organ”. It`s music installation made by Syyn Labs and The Polytechnic Museum. 24 cars whose horns & headlights are tuned to an evenly tempered harmony were controlled by Maskeliade`s gestures through the Leap Motion device. He manipulated sounds` sequences of the horns and samples by hands` movements creating the song live. Lights are also synchronized.
The performance took place at VDHKh in Moscow, Russia within The Polytech Science, Art & Technology Festival 2015.
Tomorrow Maskeliade will perform at Polytech festival in a really special project – music installation “The Car Organ” made by Syyn Labs and Polytechnic Museum that will be connected to 24 cars whose horns & headlights are tuned to an evenly tempered harmony. The performance starts at 17:00 at VDHKh in Moscow, entrance is free.
Here is the video: