Maskeliade gave a short interview to BBC World Service. Politics, Maskeliade Music School, hometown stories, art – everything included. Listen from the very beginning.

Maskeliade gave a short interview to BBC World Service. Politics, Maskeliade Music School, hometown stories, art – everything included. Listen from the very beginning.
Wow! Maskeliade’s interview for Red Bull Music has reached 1 mln. views on Facebook. Check the interview asap!
Full interview Maskeliade gave to Afisha media last summer, just before openning of Maskeliade Music School.
Anton Maskeliade takes Red Bull Music team on a musical tour of Moscow: from the subway to an abandoned bread factory where he performed his new track «Tret». Here is the video and article.
Tatlin News magazine interviewed the winners of Kuryokhin Contemporary Art Award including Anton Maskeliade, who got the prize in category Electro-Mechanics. Artwork by Natalie Schitsalova.
Maskeliade gave an interview for Metropol magazine. Photos by Pavel Kondratiev. You can find printed version here.
Anton Maskeliade interviewed Matthew Herbert: “…next record is a naked body in the room for 12 hours with microphone…” Read full article on Hook Music Explorer!