On this Sunday just after the Czech Festival Beseda u Bigbítu Anton Maskeliade will be playing with Moritz von Oswald at 18:00 in Moscow at Ema Bar. The whole show is supported by JagerVibes.

On this Sunday just after the Czech Festival Beseda u Bigbítu Anton Maskeliade will be playing with Moritz von Oswald at 18:00 in Moscow at Ema Bar. The whole show is supported by JagerVibes.
Anton Maskeliade will be performing at the Czech music festival Beseda u Bigbítu. Festival mixes quality music cocktail of attractive foreign bands with the best from the Czech independent music scene.
The festival will take place on 31st July – 1st August in the Moravian village Tasov near Veselí nad Moravou. Anton`s gig starts at 01:30 am.
Anton Maskeliade will be playing on the main stage at FSP Freesbee Summer Party in Minsk, Belarus on 25/07.
Maskeliade is going to the Pohoda Festival in Slovakia where he`ll be playing along with Björk, DIE ANTWOORD, FFS, of Montreal and others. The performance will be on 11.07 at 19:00.
Great news! Anton Maskeliade will be playing at Glastonbury Festival in Silver Hayes area at Sonic Stage on 27.06. He will be the first Russian live musician who plays there.
Tomorrow Maskeliade will perform at Polytech festival in a really special project – music installation “The Car Organ” made by Syyn Labs and Polytechnic Museum that will be connected to 24 cars whose horns & headlights are tuned to an evenly tempered harmony. The performance starts at 17:00 at VDHKh in Moscow, entrance is free.
Here is the video: