Maskeliade will be playing at Moscow Electro Beat festival with famous dancer Marquese Scott (AEROSMITH, MELISHA, SKRILLEX, MADONNA, HIKAKIN, RICKY MARTIN, BEYONCE, U2). On 15APR at ARTPLAY venue at 23:30. See you!

Maskeliade will be playing at Moscow Electro Beat festival with famous dancer Marquese Scott (AEROSMITH, MELISHA, SKRILLEX, MADONNA, HIKAKIN, RICKY MARTIN, BEYONCE, U2). On 15APR at ARTPLAY venue at 23:30. See you!
Far From Moscow music media recently published a big article featuring Anton Maskeliade. David MacFadyen wrote about newest LP “O”, Maskeliade`s teaching in Glinka school and his Street Studio social project. In December Anton participated in Far From Moscow Festival in Los Angeles where he played his new album live for the first time.
On 26JAN Maskeliade will play acoustic+electronic live show at Mumiy Troll Music Bar 21:00 in Moscow. He will be presenting new album “O” that was recently released.
Great news! Maskeliade will be participating at the Far From Moscow Festival in Los Angeles, USA (9-11 DEC). The festival will take place in UCLA (University of California Los Angeles) and gathers a new wave of Russian artists in film, music, cuisine, fashion, and comics. Gig is TBA.
Digital festival and conference La Mêlée Numérique 2016 invited Anton Maskeliade to play a gig in Toulouse, France on 30 SEP.
On 21 MAY Maskeliade will give a master class in Ableton Belarus School presenting school of modern music Glinka, and play a gig in the “Prism of Urbanism” action within the Night of Museums festival. The performance will take place in Museum of Z.I. Azgur at 01:10. The main topic of Anton`s gig is the Moscow city.
The International Moscow Tattoo Convention invited Anton Maskeliade to perform at the festival on 29 MAY at 16:30 at Sokolniki Exhibition. The Convention is the largest gathering of professional tattoo artists in Russia.
Maskeliade attends International Cultural Festival in Murmansk called Barents Bird. He will be playing a gig in company with SBPCH band. Show starts at 21:00 on 15 APR.
Maskeliade will be participating at the pre-party of “Nomer Odin Awards 2016” within Kaliningrad Music Week. The show will happen on 11 MAR in Kaliningrad.
Anton Maskeliade will be performing new material and visuals on 26 FEB at ArchiV club at 21:00 featuring electronic producer and RBMA alumni – Illuminated Faces. Tickets: